Cedar Doctor
"Cedar Doctor, an Auckland based specialist for maintaining, preserving and restoring cedar and timber. We are dedicated ..."
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2020-05-04 at 10:15:41 AM

Cedar Doctor is Returning to Work with Health and Safety Protocols for COVID-19

Cedar Doctor has reinstated work under health and safety measures for COVID-19. They have set procedures for working at Levels 1 to 3 as keeping their team, clients, suppliers and their families safe is their priority.
As part of their risk identification process, Cedar Doctor will complete a specific risk assessment for the current COVID-19 Level for each job site. During Levels 1-3, their teams have been instructed to keep their social interactions as low as possible to minimize their exposure.
Under Levels 2 and 3 guidelines, the teams at Cedar Doctor will maintain an adequate separation distance from the general public, owners and residents, and provider personnel. They will keep Contact Tracking Records of all locations and people with whom they come in contact. While working on client sites, they will not access areas of the property that they are not working on.
By entering and leaving the site every day, they will sanitize common touch points, such as door and door handles, keypads that they have touched, and the residents that may have touched them in the past 12 hours or could be touched in next 12 hours.
When making site visits for quotes or evaluations, they will maintain a proper distance separation and disinfect their hands with sanitiser before and after the visit. They have also instructed their team members not to report work if they have symptoms that are associated with the COVID-19.
So, if you want to maintain, preserve and restore your cedar property with Cedar Doctor, contact them today at 0800 888 091 and clear your queries about their working while they are under the COVID-19 Levels 1 to 3. For more information, visit the website https://cedardoctor.co.nz/

About the Company
Cedar Doctor, an Auckland based specialist for maintaining, preserving and restoring cedar and timber. We are dedicated to maintaining the integrity, appearance, and enhancing the value of the Cedar cladding and timber features of your properties through regular and timely maintenance. Our own trained personnel and time-tested methods of maintenance and restoration brings outstanding results to their customers.